sow wild oats


sow wild oats 的定义

  1. To engage in youthful indiscretions, usually sexual liaisons: “Paul asked his father if he had sowed his wild oats before getting married.”

sow wild oats 近义词

sow wild oats

等同于 misbehave

sow wild oats

等同于 sin

sow wild oats

等同于 act up

sow wild oats 的近义词 5

更多sow wild oats例句

  1. He has wild swings between trying not to care about Lana and the baby, and being completely obsessed by it.
  2. The sound of birds, quail, even doe, make a wild grid of noise.
  3. Exactly when the transition to modern domestic creature took place, for a bird that is wild to this day, is controversial.
  4. It is wild that something that would seem to be so scandalous would just disappear from the press.
  5. Everyone who saw Beasts of the Southern Wild knows Wallis is a unique talent, but still, no one saw this coming.
  6. They are so rich in harmony, so weird, so wild, that when you hear them you are like a sea-weed cast upon the bosom of the ocean.
  7. But before he could even sow that year's crop, he would have to see a certain banker who lived in Nebraska.
  8. The white men served their smoking cannon with a wild energy that, for a time, made the gallant nine equal to a thousand.
  9. A cricket-match was in progress, but the bowling and batting were extremely wild, thanks to The Warren strong beer.
  10. People are busy ballooning or driving; shooting like stars along railroads; or migrating like swallows or wild-geese.